Young - 17 years from college
Young - 12 years from college
Parents with young ones who have “MOTHER-TIME” on their side are "The Earlys". You have a precious gift of time to save for college. Do use it!
Learn what would be an appropriate way to save for college now that you still have it, time! What's "Your Timeline"?
Attend one of our workshops or webinars. Better yet come see us!
The 'Lates'
Those with kids close to college
Parents with children who are close to college are the "LATES". Families with 8th to 12th graders belong to this category.
The "Lates" don't have much time left to save. Some, if not most, families in this group who haven't save for college are faced with the issue of how to finance a college education of one child or more. To some, it's indeed a problem - a financial problem.
Business Owners
Calling all business owners
Parents who are business owners, self-employed, rental property owners, and 1099 earners who have children intending to attend college are encouraged to consult with us for appropriate funding strategies that can be used SPECIFIC TO YOUR SITUATION. If you are a parent in this group category and have children, you owe it to yourself to learn what you can do to prepare for your children's college funding.
Athletic Scholarships
Academics and athletics mix can be very beneficial to the student.
Students who are competitive enough to play their chosen sport and strongly consider playing collegiate level competition should explore it and aim to get athletic scholarship in addition to any academic scholarships that they can qualify for.
FREE Scholarships
As a client of College Planning & Research Group you can now receive a very unique reward - the opportunity for the students in your family to earn discounts on tuition at an expanding national "network" of 445+ private colleges and universities in 47 states.